//c_M+5 000010:#RECEIVE; 000020:Honey, it’s me! Good morning. I’m off to work now. 000030:#CALLBACK; 000040:You must have been busy. Today’s my first day at work! 000050:#START; 000060:Honey, aren’t you surprised at how I managed to find a job in a day? 000070: 001; That’s so amazing? 000080:That really cheers me up! It’s all because you were there with me, hehe. 000090:My willpower was one thing, but I was lucky. And I wasn’t being picky either. 000100: 002; I was surprised at how quickly and carelessly you found work... 000110:Yeah… I was pretty careless, haha. But when I’m working I get serious. 000120:I’m not well off financially so I have no choice. I don’t want to borrow money. 000130: 000; 000140:But honey, I guess I’ll have more work here than at a convenience store? There are more things and more customers… 000150:I wonder what the workload will be… I hope it’s similar. 000160: 001; No matter how many items there are, if you continue scanning barcodes there shall be nothing you cannot calculate. 000170:Wow, a great saying! Have you scanned barcodes before? Haha. 000180:I used to work at the school library, and I was good at scanning the book barcodes. I’m used to barcodes. Nothing I cannot scan… 000190:But if I continue scanning them, my soul may fly away… to be by your side. 000200:I wish machines would just scan barcodes. It’s so simple for a human to do. 000210:...Oh, but if a machine takes over, I won’t have a job. This wasn’t time for such a logical thought. 000220:I can’t let machines take away our part time jobs. I’ll have to show them how our soulful barcode scanning is way better than what machines can do… I don’t know if it’ll be possible though. 000230: 002; It’s just a part time job! Can’t be that bad. 000240:Yeah, I just have to go and do the work. Don’t think about anything else and get it over with… 000250:But the problem is that you end up not thinking about anything at work. Your day just disappears. 000260:If I put thought into everything, you do end up learning a lot. 000270: 001; Cheer up! You can overcome this! 000280:Good, I’ll make this into a chance to prove myself. That’s what I said I’d do. 000290: 002; It’s a part time job, so it’s better to not think and just be a machine. It’s not as if your work will be acknowledged. 000300:Yeah… But even if others don’t recognize it, if I learn something it’s good. 000310:It’s dangerous to expect other’s recognition. That’s what I felt while filmmaking. 000320:Don’t think about other people and find what helps me. That’s the best. I’m the only one I can control in the end. 000330: 000; 000340: 003; If it looks like too much work, just pass out! Your body’s more important!+#017c_5 000350:Haha, should I? Pass out while checking a customer out and make them go to another register? If you don’t tease me for being weak, I should try it! 000360:Then… what should I tell them for passing out? 000370: 001; You had a heat stroke…? 000380:Hahaha. Honey, I’m pretty sure grocery stores are inside. 000390:That’s a fun thought. Gosh, why is my honey so cute? 000400: 002; Malnutrition…? 000410:Malnutrition… Hahaha. 000420:It’d be hilarious if everyone’s fine and I just pass out. The entire neighborhood would know… haha. 000430: 000; 000440: 000; 000450:It’s just part time work so I’ll get used to it after 3 days. It’s always like that. 000460: 001; I’m sure you’ll do well. 000470:Yup. I’m not worried about using my body. If only my leg were better I’d have taken a better paying job... 000480: 002; It’s not good to be arrogant. 000490:Did I sound like a show-off? I just wanted to look confident to you... Okay, moving on to plan B! 000500:I would do my best in my job, and I'll catch the chairman's attention and get adopted! In the end, I will become the market billionaire! Hehe. 000510: 000; 000520:Oh! Wait? I have to take that bus!! 000530:Hon, I’ll call you later!! //c_D+10 000540:#RECEIVE; 000550:Honey! I’m off work… 000560:#CALLBACK; 000570:Hon you called back! I’m off work… 000580:#START; 000590:So my first day is over. I’m glad nothing bad happened. 000600:People were nice and it was alright. There were some difficulties though. 000610: 001; Good work. 000620:This is nothing! I’m sorry if I whined too much today. 000630: 002; You’re the best! 000640:Really? I haven’t done much. Well… that’s embarrassing. I need to succeed fast. 000650: 000; 000660:Gosh, I should go home and rest. So sleepy. 000670:My heart’s abundant! My family’s abundant! My life is abundant! Mart! 000680: 001; What song is that? 000690:Oh jeez. It’s the store theme song. It’s stuck with me now. 000700: 002; Are you drunk? 000710:Huh? No… I am taking some beer home. Oh that song was the store theme song. 000720: 003; You’re a bad singer…+#017c_25 000730:...Gosh, you’re so brutal, honey! I’ve never heard that I’m bad… You have such high standards. 000740:The store song got stuck in my head and it won’t go away now… It’s repeating endlessly in my mind. I’m going to think about it till I sleep. 000750: 000; 000760:My heart’s abundant! My family’s abundant! My life is abundant! Mart! 000770:This plays every five minutes, and it’ll even cut off other songs too. So I can’t let my guards down. 000780:This song is crazy addictive. It’s almost a virus. You should prepare yourself too. You might catch it from me. My heart’s abundant! My family’s abundant! My life is abundant! Mart! 000790:Now my body wants to do some moves with it. Hahaha, gosh… Let’s change the subject. 000800:How was your day today? 000810: 001;It was okay! 000820:I’m glad to hear that. It was tough for me but I want you to be happy. 000830: 002; It was a hard day… 000840:Guess today didn’t work out as you hoped. I was busy working too… Tomorrow might be better. Cheer up, honey. 000850: 003; It was abundant.+#017c_15 000860:Abundant? Hahaha, did you get that from the store song? Yeah… I was abundant too. I almost died scanning barcodes at Abundant Mart. 000870:And my heart’s abundant because I have you! 000880: 000; 000890:Hmm? Honey just a sec. Someone’s calling me. 000900:What’s going on? 000910:Honey, someone from the store’s running towards me. I might have left something? Sorry, I’ll call you later. //c_N+10 000920:#RECEIVE; 000930:It’s me! I took a shower and now I’m in bed. You’re still awake? 000940:#CALLBACK; 000950:I thought you were sleeping. I took a shower and now I’m in bed. 000960:#START; 000970:You know that app I registered for? Find the Master? 000980:I hope someone sees my resume and contacts me… It’d be embarrassing not to hear anything, haha. 000990: 001; You’re gonna get something! Prepare yourself! You’re a one-man company now. 001000:A one man company? That sounds so grand. Haha, so cute… 001010:It’d be nice if you and I could form a two person company. If it’s work for you, I’d be happy to do as much as I can. 001020:As long as you think I’m doing well… oh… well if it’s not film-related, I honestly don’t want to work for anyone else... 001030: 002; I don’t know if you’ll get matched that much… 001040:Yeah. I’m sure a lot of people are registered on it. 001050:I don’t know if I’m capable enough. 001060: 000; 001070: 001; Still do as best as you can. It’s a promise to yourself. 001080:Yeah… I almost forgot because I’m so tired. I did that. 001090:Looking up part time jobs may not seem much, but I got the chance to seriously think about myself. It was pretty meaningful. 001100:How much value do I have…? Thoughts like that make you anxious and self-conscious, but everyone goes through life fighting those emotions. 001110:No matter what I end up doing, if I get too busy sometimes you forget who you are. It’s like you’re drowned by all the work in front of your eyes… 001120:Then you lose time to really think. 001130: 002; Don’t go too deep into it. For part-time jobs, you just get paid for the hours you put in… 001140:You’re not wrong, but I do want those hours to benefit me in a way. I can’t do this forever… 001150:Whether it’s your career, relationship, side gig, whatever… you can’t just do what you’re paid for, at least for me. 001160:I feel happier… when I do more. 001170: 000; 001180: 001; I think it’s really important to highlight your strengths. 001190:Yeah, I thought about that too. What are my strengths…? 001200:I should make this a good opportunity for me to really think about that. 001210: 002; It’s an app you can trust, right? 001220:I heard it’s the top app for part-time jobs? 001230:What’s good about the internet is that everything’s fair competition. You see yourself more objectively. 001240:You have to highlight your strengths if you want to be chosen amongst a pool of people… What are my strengths? 001250: 000; 001260:Hmm… I can’t really think of anything at the moment. 001270:Probably because I had a rough first day... 001280: 001; Your handsome looks! 001290:Oh, I’m not that good. Haha 001300:It’s not as if I look strikingly handsome like a movie star… 001310: 001; No! You are strikingly handsome! 001320:Haha! Gosh… really? Well if you say so, I suppose I am. 001330:Haha… I guess this is why people are in relationships. 001340: 002; You’re not that handsome, but I think you’re alright. 001350:OPfft! Oh, really? Well, thank you for being considerate. But how come I'm blushing...? Hehe. 001360:But I don't think I can get a job that requires good looks. Ugh... I can feel my face getting hot just by imagining myself describing my own looks on my resume... Phew... 001370: 000; 001380: 002; You have your knowledge on film! You’re a good writer too. 001390:Yeah. I wish I could use my specialty to work part time… but film jobs are hard to come by. Working at a publisher might be interesting too. 001400:Reading a lot of scripts would help me. 001410:Thanks for telling me, honey. 001420: 003; Your resourcefulness? Your tenacity? 001430:Hmm… You’re right. I am definitely resourceful and I don’t give up easily… But those aren’t visible traits so anyone can say that. 001440:It might not be the most effective thing to highlight those traits… but I’m glad you see them as my strengths. 001450: 000; 001460:I could have gone into a dark hole tonight but I feel much better thanks to you. 001470:You’re just a good luck charm. I think ever since I met you I’ve been getting lucky. It just feels like things will work out. 001480:And somehow I don't really care about the amusement park part-time job. 001490: 001; Is it the power of my love? 001500:….Yes, it is. I feel like you trust me. So whenever things are tough I can get back up again and just go at it. 001510:People say I am simple, but I think I am quite complicated... It's hard to phrase it... Ah, anyways, I think you understand me. I guess it means we're really connecting! 001520:You should rest up now. That way you can start off tomorrow well. 001530: 002; Alright, go to bed early. You have a busy day tomorrow.+#003_180 001540:Okay. ...Sometimes you can be such a realist. Should we go to bed now? 001550: 000; 001560:Good night… Sweet dreams.